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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Camisole / Panty - Reusing Fabric

I ran across Gertie's Blog for Better Sewing and I fell in love with her vintage camisole and panty pattern (Butterick 6031). So I went on Etsy and found a copy of this pattern from crystalslaceandmore.

When I got the pattern (along with some other pretty things - thanks Crystal) I attempted to source the required items locally. Walmart & Hobby Lobby let me down & I knew Michaels didnt have much in the way of sewing. I couldn't find some of the specific items I needed at Hancock or Wilson fabrics and/or didn't want to pay the high price at these places.

So for fabric I ended up using the pink lining from a silk short skirt purchased at a thrift store. The lining was double stretch material. However since the skirt was sized small, there wasn't enough pink material for everything. So I found an old white very soft stretchy T-shirt of mine. I cut this t-shirt up & used it for the upper part of the camisole. I found an old pink soft t-shirt (very close in color to the pink fabric used in the camisole body) and used that fabric to make the panty.

The stretch lace I found on frogfeathers (also on Etsy). And I purchased the 1/2" lingerie sliders from Artecrafts. A lot of places had the 3/8" sliders but since I already had the 1/2" stretch lace for the straps, I knew I needed the larger size. After constructing the camisole though (I did use Gertie's sewalong for both the camisole and the pantry), I think the sliders need to be even bigger than 1/2" - the 1/2" stretch lace seems too big for the 1/2" sliders.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bib Apron is done!

I will have to have Bill take a picture of me in the but the bib apron is done. Well mostly done - since I used some of my fabric stash for the bottom, my cat fabric, I thought I would use one of the cat appliqués I found in my Mom's old sewing box. I want to put that on one side of the front of the apron. And on the other side I want to embroider some paw prints but I have to figure that out !!

My Bib Apron - made from my old bib overalls!

Apron bottom showing cat fabric

Behind the neck part of the bib overall

Speaking of my Mom's old sewing box, I saw on The Sewing Academy's blog for March 01, 2015 a discussion about what a historical person would have in their portable sewing kit. Here's a few pictures of her kit (which I dive into when I need something more than what I have in my own).

Mom's Sewing Basket

Inside Mom's Sewing Basket

I found this inside my Mom's sewing basket !

My Portable Sewing Box

Items inside