Contact Gato

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Starting Your Avon Business with the "Right" Attitude

Do You have the "Right" Attitude?

Good or Bad
Little = BIG

Ok you have paid your $15 (for your basic Avon starter kit) or your $100 (for your deluxe Avon starter kit).  You have opened your Avon E-store.  You have sent out emails to all your family and friends that you are selling Avon.  You have sold a few head to toe collections (which only can be sold by new Avon representatives in their first campaign), but you aren't getting the tons of orders that someone has told you that you would do.

So now what is your response?  You quit.  You did not have that much time or money invested anyway, so it's on to the next thing.  But, wait a minute.  Didn't you start this business with a dream or a goal?  Well you won't achieve that dream or goal if you quit.

If You Quit During the Journey
Double Rainbow at the Anchorage AK Airport

But what if you discovered that you absolutely loathe trying to get people to buy from you?  Well, that's different.  If you find that selling is not for you, then you shouldn't stay with it.  But if you like selling, but you are discovering that it is harder than you thought, well then that's when you shouldn't give up.

Starting a business takes a lot of time and investment of resources.  Even if you are starting your beautiful business on a budget, it will still be some time before you will start seeing a big return on your investment.  Very few people fall into selling enough Avon their first campaign so they can achieve President's Club (PC) -- (someone actually did this by selling Bug Guard to a sports team).

So when you start, work with your upline to develop small, realistic goals.  Then as you achieve those small goals, work on bigger goals.   That way you are feeling as if you have accomplished things and that will help to keep you encouraged along the way.  However, you should also have decided at least one big goal at the beginning of your business -- perhaps the "why" as to the reason you started your Avon business.  Whether that is having enough money for a down payment on a house or a running car or having enough money to take the kids to McDonalds -- that is up to you.

But remember that although your goal might be to make money, it is not the reason why most of your clients will buy from you.  Your family or friends may buy from you because they know you need the money, however unless you have an extremely large family and friends network, you will have to eventually sell to "strangers".  And "strangers" will want to know how it is beneficial to them to buy from you.  So that means you have to be interested in people, listen to them when they tell you their issues, have good advice for them on the products that would be best for them.  Basically, learning about the products and how they can help your individual clients.  It is NOT all about you.  That is the attitude you have to have to start building a successful business.

It will take an investment in both your time and money.  And you have to have the right attitude.  Without these things, your beautiful business will be nothing than just a dream.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Campaign 17 Don't Miss Items

are On Sale for a Limited Time
Imari has added a 3rd Fragrance to their line -- Imari Elixir
This isn't your Mother's Imari.  The new Imari Elixir has a juicy blackberry essence, a seductive rose absolute, and a hypnotic vanilla essence.  For a limited time when you purchase the Imari Elixir (Eau de Toilette Spray), you also receive FREE the 6.7 oz Imari Elixir Body Lotion. 

All of the Imari fragrances are on sale for a limited time for $12.95 each. 

Can alternately hold your Bras
Organize Your Closet or Send with Your Child to College
The tank top holder can alternately hold your bras.  Organize your closet today !

Back to School Items
Shop Online for Frozen or Minions -- Send them back to school in Style !

Does your child like Frozen or Minions?  Send them back to school with their favorites!

For Back to School
Great 4 piece Footworks Set

Footworks is so good, even my own nail person uses it on her clients!

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative


Two Ways to Earn, Two Ways to Sell -- Avon

This is Avon's slogan for their independent sales representatives.  Well I have been working on the one way to earn -- personal sales plus the two ways to sell -- in person and online.  But now I want to start working on the second way to earn -- team sales.  I want to learn about how to start my own team, manage them, motivate them and grow ALL of our businesses.  

I have posted earlier about other blogs or people to check out who have great advice to those who are starting out or even those who are experienced in Avon sales.  But I am not limiting myself to those who are Avon.  Many of the tips out there for MLM companies can also be transferred & used for Avon businesses.  To sign up under me please go to -- my information is already filled in for you.

I have been accumulating a lot of pins on my pinterest account regarding tips for new Avon representatives, outfits for Southern Avon representatives (it does tend to get hot in Alabama!), and organizational helps.  Click here to check out my pinterest pins.

Some of the Facebook groups I belong to are: Makeup Marketing Online, ONWARD! NO MATTER WHAT! , Success with Scola, Tuesdays with Theresa, Live Laugh Lipstick, Avon Flyers by Alicia. Some videos I have watched (on youtube) are by Emily Seagren, Lisa Monoson, Avonproductsinc, Milagros Garcia. If you are looking for old product lines from Avon or samples to buy check out the Facebook group, Avon Outlet.

I have also finished the Anew Skin Care Specialist online training and I have attended the in person Anew Skin Care Expert course that was held in Atlanta.  This is an investment in  business as it will help me to help my client chose the most appropriate skin care for his/her needs and they say skin care clients are the most loyal.

Personally, I am using the Anew Skinvincible line (50 spf) with the Clearskin Professional Acne Mark Treatment 2-3 times per week.  My skin feels smoother, yet it isn't feeling greasier.  I also like the eye makeup -- the Glimmerstick in Black, True Color eyeshadow quad in Mocha Latte, and Superextend Extreme Infinitize mascara -- it lasted thru a swim on Memorial Day.  The eye primer is the absolute dream -- 620-592 Lgt Beige Eye Primer.  It keeps my eyeshadow on even when I am swimming or out in the Hot Alabama Sun!

Red Eyes but Eye Makeup is intact after Swim

Monday, July 6, 2015

Avon Bug Protection for FREE

Article in "Men's Fitness" about Bug Guard

Please read the article then enter the Avon giveaway below -- if you cannot wait to start protecting you and your family from mosquitoes, flies, etc., please go to my Estore and find your protection there!  Don't forget to register before shopping!
Men's Fitness magazine article lists Avon's Bug Guard on their list of effective mosquito repellent


Avon Giveaway
Swat those Mosquitoes and protect your skin from the sun with Skin So Soft's Bug Guard from Avon

Enter to win 1 of 25 FREE Bug Guard Collections

Also if you refer 3 friends you get 20% off any $60 order when they also enter the giveaway

Cindy Peterson aka Gato

Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Friday, July 3, 2015

4th of July Sale
Avon 4th of July Sale

Independence Day AVON Sale! Up to 50% off items PLUS 4 piece beach bag set FREE with any $65 order! Use coupon code BEACHDAY. Expires 7/6/15 at midnight EST. Remember that FREE SHIPPING applies to all Avon orders over $40. Direct Delivery only, while supplies last.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Another Avon Coupon -- Good Thru 7/2

On top of all of the great deals that Avon has, here's a code for FREE SHIPPING for orders $25+.

Normally orders have to be $40+
JULYFS is the code
Just enter code JULYFS.  Good thru 7/2/15.  Please check it out on my shop at .  Register as my customer before checking out.  Thanks.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative

