Contact Gato

256-931-4435 /

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Starting Your Business on a Budget (Part II)

Ok by Now You Should Have Finished Your First Avon Campaign


You did great, right?  Ok !  Now for some reality . . .  The only thing that is certain, death and taxes.  You have to start keeping track of your receipts (expenses of your business) and income.  If your budget is really tight and you don't have a computer or access to one, then you need a pencil and paper.  Write everything down that you spend towards your business (expenses), and write everything you bring in (income).  Income - expenses = profit (loss).  For more information as to what the US government says is a business expense, check out this link.  An overview about taxes and small business can be found here


Tax forms
Tax Forms

Avon Specific Bookkeeping Help

Avon also has created a worksheet that could help you keep track of your business expenses by campaign (not by month).  It hasn't been updated since 2013 (that I could find), but it is nevertheless helpful. And while I am talking about money and keeping track of it -- keep your business money separate from your personal money.  If you collect all of your Avon money from your clients as you collect their orders, and you don't have a separate bank business account, then put it in an envelope system like MoneySavingMom has.

Adding to Your Customer Base

Now you want to get started on your next campaign while you are waiting for your order to come in.  Start thinking about adding customers.  Not every customer will order in every campaign.  They also will not order in every other campaign.  So to have a steady income, you will have to have a large customer base.
40 Places to Leave Your Business Card or Brochure


Your Avon website has several free online courses and webinars in the Avon University that list ways to add to your business.  There are also a lot of Facebook groups where you can interact with other Avon Representatives, both experienced and not, about many aspects of Avon and running / growing a business.  Some examples are, Onward! No Matter What! (Molly Stone-Bibb); Avon Flyers by Alicia; Tuesdays with Theresa (Theresa Paul); Makeup Marketing Online (Emily Seagren), Monday Morning Madness (Lisa Wilber); and many many more.


Remember the brochures I talked about in the last "Business on a Budget" posting?  If you have an order to place that does not include any Avon products, I have been told that if you call Avon and place an order for only brochures and/or business tools, the Customer Service person can waive the shipping fee.  Please let me know if you have tried this and it works !


Ok, but what if you don't have a computer or access to one or a smartphone with access to the Internet?  We are talking budget, right?  Well, frankly I do not see how you will be able to have an Avon business in the 21st century without some regular access to the Internet.  Avon does have a phone system to submit your orders and they also have a paper way to submit your orders, but in the long run, everything will probably end up being digital.  And many of your customers will want to communicate with you either by email or Facebook messaging or by texting. 


Remember in the last article I said that you need to have somewhere where you can access to the Internet?  If you have a smartphone or a laptop or a netbook, but don't have the data plan, many places like McDonalds and other places -- think community colleges, hospitals, government offices -- have free wi-fi.  BUT remember all the latest data breeches?  Don't use an unsecured wi-fi link when you access your Avon account or your bank account.

Another way to access the internet is by borrowing a friend's or family member's computer.  And again you would want to take security precautions with your Avon account or personal bank information. Many public libraries also have free computers that are hooked up to the internet or you could see if your local community college would let you use their computer lab.  Don't forget those security precautions though !


So I am assuming that you do or have access to, the Internet.  Budget-wise, what's better than FREE?  Your Avon sign up fee includes a 24 hr 7 day a week online store.  There is some customization you can do to it.  Some tweaking to make it your own. Keep this updated and work to drive traffic to it.  Start your own blog -- there are several places where you can do that for free, make your own business Facebook page, have a tagline on your emails that list your Avon website, also have a tagline on your Facebook posts. 


Signage and Business Cards



These are secondary ways to get your information out there -- buttons, pins, and nametags.  Ok, I am still talking budget here.  If you go to the your Avon website, click on Avon University, then click on skin care clinics' graphic.  That will bring up the page with the listing for the in person skin care class (Expert) which costs between $70 - $100.  For registering & attending that class, you get a set of Ultimate products (value of $160), a skin care book that is nice enough to show your clients, a certificate, and a training booklet.  The online class through Avon University, ends with you getting an Anew Skin Care Specialist certificate, and a pin.  This class is FREE.  After you've finished the online class, please apply to the Facebook Group for Anew Skin Care Specialists.  


for the Anew Specialist Training
Anew Skin Care Pin = FREE

Another Pin you can get yourself is this pin that you can purchase for $1.00.  For those of you whose districts still have in person meetings, I have heard that you can get free samples, products, and pins like this one below, just for attending.



Business cards are expensive, right?  Wrong ! 

Wal-mart has Avery Business Cards that you print yourself -- $26.54 for 1000 business cards.  But wait, that's just for the heavy duty perforated paper.  You have to have a printer and printer ink to do it yourself.  Town & Country (use the link to this business that is on Your Community tab of the Your Avon website) has professionally printed cards, 500 for $16.95.  Vista also has business cards and occasionally run sales. 

Town & Country Business Cards

OK, next, if you don't already have a primary job, then you need to spend a lot of your time learning about this business and then DOING the business.  You can set your own hours, that is true, but it doesn't mean that you work 5 hours and get 40 hours of income.  That means, if your child is sick, you can take the day off and do business, by phone or Internet, instead of in person.  You can work at night and sleep all day.  This is your business, after all.  But you will only get out of this business what you put into it.  


Go to your local library and see what books they have to check out about marketing, small businesses, accounting, motivational, etc.  Join the Facebook groups I mentioned above.  Talk to your upline about what training they offer in your area.  Ask everyone which 2 books they would recommend for you to read; get them to make specific recommendations, then see if your library has those books or could get them for you on interlibrary loan.  The reading is for teaching you about business and running your small business; the facebook and training in person is about Networking -- meeting people who can help you in this business.  You also should be willing to help others when they need help.  This is also a part of networking.  

Volunteer, talk with people while you are out and about in your normal day of errands.  Carry your brochures with you always, and have on yourself or your person some Avon logo (shirt, pin, etc). I have had people ask me about my Avon pin when I wasn't necessarily in the Hi I am the Avon Lady mood.  It works !  Sometimes when you least expect it to ! 


Part I of this series


Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative

Start Your Own Beautiful Story:
A Video for You
Click Here to Start Your Own Business 

Four Aces/Gato's Blog [my blog] 

E-mail Me Today

Comience su propio bella historia:
Un video para usted 
Haga clic aquí para iniciar su propio negocio 



Sunday, August 9, 2015

Contact Me for Free Power Serum Samples

I have limited samples of Avon's New Power Serum

based on Nobel Prize winning Research
Avon's New Power Serum -- Get Your Sample Today !

Contact me today for your FREE sample of Avon's new Power Serum.  This product hasn't even been released yet.  You can call me at 256-931-4435 or email me at  You can even send me a PM on Facebook.  

Right now, for every $10 you order from me for Campaign 18, I will put your name in the hat to win a FREE Deluxe Sample of Avon's Power Serum.  This Deluxe Sample contains enough serum to last you for two weeks. 

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative

Start Your Own Beautiful Story:
A Video for You
Click Here to Start Your Own Business 

Four Aces/Gato's Blog [my blog]


E-mail Me Today

Comience su propio bella historia:
Un video para usted 
Haga clic aquí para iniciar su propio negocio 


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Campaign 18 , 2015

Campaign 18 -- Now Selling !


Brochures are Available Aug 6, 2015

Doesn't this look like an "Alabama -- Roll Tide" Scarf?
Campaign 18 Brochures

2015 from Avon
Items Coming Up for Fall 2015

Avon can be the Answer

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Starting Your Business on a Budget

Only $15 to Start a Business?

As I am writing this post, I am listening to a video by Lisa Monoson.  She is one of the high up people in the Avon world.  I like listening to her voice and her tips are great. And she also shops on Ebay for labelsGo figure !  The video I am watching now is how she has her office organized -- -- oh I wish I was so organized !

But, yes it is true ... You can start your Avon Beautiful Business with only $15.  For $15 you will get 20 brochures (10 for the campaign that you start in and 10 for the next campaign), 2 What's New Magazines (tells you what is coming up in Avon), an order book, 2 full size products and a Be Extraordinary Booklet.

with Only $15
Contents of the $15 Kit

For Your $15, you also get an E-Store where your business can be open for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.  And with that online training that can also be accessed 24/7.  So what's the catch?

There's no catch.  You don't have to have fancy labels or business cards or opportunity flyers.  Just remember to have your name, contact information, and website address on each of your brochures -- writing it on the brochures can work for now just be neat!  Use your full size products, take the products around to use as demos, or sell them -- it's up to you -- it's your business!

Now you just have to get out there and start selling.  Avon offers online training and an online office for you.  If you don't have access to the internet and a computer or tablet or smartphone, see if your friends or family will let you use theirs.  Or you can go to your local library or other place that provides free computer and internet use.  

There are additional items that you will need to download from the internet for your business that will help you immensely as you start out.  The first one is the head to toe collection that only you can sell as a brand new Avon Independent Representative.  If you didn't get it in your kit, you can download it 

Can Sell this Daily Care Collection
Daily Care Collection
here.  This set is a collection of items that most people will use and it is only $19.99.  The second thing you need to download is this follow up tracking guide.  Avon repeats that over and over in various training videos and most of the Independent Sales Representatives' videos on You-tube also mention follow-up.  

Following up with Your Customers

If you put your emphasis in your first campaign to selling this collection, hand out all your samples (that you get in your kit) and you follow-up regarding those samples, and make sure that for every brochure you hand out that you get information for follow-up (and you actually follow up and talk with your potential clients).  Plus you ask your clients about the mini skin care quiz in the brochure, then you'll have made a solid start. You should start with your friends and family, but you should also start getting used to from the very beginning to selling to strangers.  When you start, friends and family will be eager to help you, but after the first few campaigns they will be "tapped" out.   

So while they are still excited to help you, have them take a few brochures to their work or to their Church.  You may only know 5 people, but if each of those 5 know 5 (that's 25) etc etc. Make sure you carry brochures everywhere you go.  Once your relative/friend has looked at a brochure and placed an order, get the brochure back.  Remember you only have 10 brochures at this point.  However, if you really have a need for more brochures, contact your upline (the person who signed you up or their boss) and see if anyone has extras that you can have or buy. 

When you place your first order, and you should wait for your upline to help you place your first order so you don't mess up any incentive Avon has in place for new Avon Representatives, you can order more brochures for your second campaign (if the 10 included in your starter kit isn't enough).  

For growing your business, there are very experienced Representatives who recommend spending the $21 to order an extra 100 brochures.  So if you have 10 customers in the first campaign, then order 100 for the next campaign (10 for your customers, and 100 to share to others, thus growing your business -- remember you already had 10 from your starter kit).  So that would be approximately $42 every month you would be investing in your business.  But realize that the more you grow, the more brochures you will be ordering for each campaign, and the cheaper the brochures become.

Pack # of brochures cost each total
10 brochures $6.49

20 brochures $8.89
30 brochures $11.39
40 brochures $13.69
50 brochures $15.09
60 brochures $16.09
70 brochures $17.39
80 brochures $18.29
90 brochures $20.09
100 brochures $21.49
 More packs: $21.49 (for first 10  packs(100 books)
+ $1.69 for each additional pack of 10

That's it for now -- come back in a few days for part II.  Thanks.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Friday, July 24, 2015

Starting Your Avon Business with the "Right" Attitude

Do You have the "Right" Attitude?

Good or Bad
Little = BIG

Ok you have paid your $15 (for your basic Avon starter kit) or your $100 (for your deluxe Avon starter kit).  You have opened your Avon E-store.  You have sent out emails to all your family and friends that you are selling Avon.  You have sold a few head to toe collections (which only can be sold by new Avon representatives in their first campaign), but you aren't getting the tons of orders that someone has told you that you would do.

So now what is your response?  You quit.  You did not have that much time or money invested anyway, so it's on to the next thing.  But, wait a minute.  Didn't you start this business with a dream or a goal?  Well you won't achieve that dream or goal if you quit.

If You Quit During the Journey
Double Rainbow at the Anchorage AK Airport

But what if you discovered that you absolutely loathe trying to get people to buy from you?  Well, that's different.  If you find that selling is not for you, then you shouldn't stay with it.  But if you like selling, but you are discovering that it is harder than you thought, well then that's when you shouldn't give up.

Starting a business takes a lot of time and investment of resources.  Even if you are starting your beautiful business on a budget, it will still be some time before you will start seeing a big return on your investment.  Very few people fall into selling enough Avon their first campaign so they can achieve President's Club (PC) -- (someone actually did this by selling Bug Guard to a sports team).

So when you start, work with your upline to develop small, realistic goals.  Then as you achieve those small goals, work on bigger goals.   That way you are feeling as if you have accomplished things and that will help to keep you encouraged along the way.  However, you should also have decided at least one big goal at the beginning of your business -- perhaps the "why" as to the reason you started your Avon business.  Whether that is having enough money for a down payment on a house or a running car or having enough money to take the kids to McDonalds -- that is up to you.

But remember that although your goal might be to make money, it is not the reason why most of your clients will buy from you.  Your family or friends may buy from you because they know you need the money, however unless you have an extremely large family and friends network, you will have to eventually sell to "strangers".  And "strangers" will want to know how it is beneficial to them to buy from you.  So that means you have to be interested in people, listen to them when they tell you their issues, have good advice for them on the products that would be best for them.  Basically, learning about the products and how they can help your individual clients.  It is NOT all about you.  That is the attitude you have to have to start building a successful business.

It will take an investment in both your time and money.  And you have to have the right attitude.  Without these things, your beautiful business will be nothing than just a dream.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Campaign 17 Don't Miss Items

are On Sale for a Limited Time
Imari has added a 3rd Fragrance to their line -- Imari Elixir
This isn't your Mother's Imari.  The new Imari Elixir has a juicy blackberry essence, a seductive rose absolute, and a hypnotic vanilla essence.  For a limited time when you purchase the Imari Elixir (Eau de Toilette Spray), you also receive FREE the 6.7 oz Imari Elixir Body Lotion. 

All of the Imari fragrances are on sale for a limited time for $12.95 each. 

Can alternately hold your Bras
Organize Your Closet or Send with Your Child to College
The tank top holder can alternately hold your bras.  Organize your closet today !

Back to School Items
Shop Online for Frozen or Minions -- Send them back to school in Style !

Does your child like Frozen or Minions?  Send them back to school with their favorites!

For Back to School
Great 4 piece Footworks Set

Footworks is so good, even my own nail person uses it on her clients!

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative


Two Ways to Earn, Two Ways to Sell -- Avon

This is Avon's slogan for their independent sales representatives.  Well I have been working on the one way to earn -- personal sales plus the two ways to sell -- in person and online.  But now I want to start working on the second way to earn -- team sales.  I want to learn about how to start my own team, manage them, motivate them and grow ALL of our businesses.  

I have posted earlier about other blogs or people to check out who have great advice to those who are starting out or even those who are experienced in Avon sales.  But I am not limiting myself to those who are Avon.  Many of the tips out there for MLM companies can also be transferred & used for Avon businesses.  To sign up under me please go to -- my information is already filled in for you.

I have been accumulating a lot of pins on my pinterest account regarding tips for new Avon representatives, outfits for Southern Avon representatives (it does tend to get hot in Alabama!), and organizational helps.  Click here to check out my pinterest pins.

Some of the Facebook groups I belong to are: Makeup Marketing Online, ONWARD! NO MATTER WHAT! , Success with Scola, Tuesdays with Theresa, Live Laugh Lipstick, Avon Flyers by Alicia. Some videos I have watched (on youtube) are by Emily Seagren, Lisa Monoson, Avonproductsinc, Milagros Garcia. If you are looking for old product lines from Avon or samples to buy check out the Facebook group, Avon Outlet.

I have also finished the Anew Skin Care Specialist online training and I have attended the in person Anew Skin Care Expert course that was held in Atlanta.  This is an investment in  business as it will help me to help my client chose the most appropriate skin care for his/her needs and they say skin care clients are the most loyal.

Personally, I am using the Anew Skinvincible line (50 spf) with the Clearskin Professional Acne Mark Treatment 2-3 times per week.  My skin feels smoother, yet it isn't feeling greasier.  I also like the eye makeup -- the Glimmerstick in Black, True Color eyeshadow quad in Mocha Latte, and Superextend Extreme Infinitize mascara -- it lasted thru a swim on Memorial Day.  The eye primer is the absolute dream -- 620-592 Lgt Beige Eye Primer.  It keeps my eyeshadow on even when I am swimming or out in the Hot Alabama Sun!

Red Eyes but Eye Makeup is intact after Swim

Monday, July 6, 2015

Avon Bug Protection for FREE

Article in "Men's Fitness" about Bug Guard

Please read the article then enter the Avon giveaway below -- if you cannot wait to start protecting you and your family from mosquitoes, flies, etc., please go to my Estore and find your protection there!  Don't forget to register before shopping!
Men's Fitness magazine article lists Avon's Bug Guard on their list of effective mosquito repellent


Avon Giveaway
Swat those Mosquitoes and protect your skin from the sun with Skin So Soft's Bug Guard from Avon

Enter to win 1 of 25 FREE Bug Guard Collections

Also if you refer 3 friends you get 20% off any $60 order when they also enter the giveaway

Cindy Peterson aka Gato

Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Friday, July 3, 2015

4th of July Sale
Avon 4th of July Sale

Independence Day AVON Sale! Up to 50% off items PLUS 4 piece beach bag set FREE with any $65 order! Use coupon code BEACHDAY. Expires 7/6/15 at midnight EST. Remember that FREE SHIPPING applies to all Avon orders over $40. Direct Delivery only, while supplies last.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Another Avon Coupon -- Good Thru 7/2

On top of all of the great deals that Avon has, here's a code for FREE SHIPPING for orders $25+.

Normally orders have to be $40+
JULYFS is the code
Just enter code JULYFS.  Good thru 7/2/15.  Please check it out on my shop at .  Register as my customer before checking out.  Thanks.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Monday, June 29, 2015

Christmas in July

Avon has a lot of products at a discount price for those of you who are disciplined enough to start your Christmas shopping in July.

Do you have friends who are into character watches?  Then check out the image below:

Fun Watches -- good for gifts or yourself !

Please go to my shop at and check these watches out.  Don't forget to register on my site BEFORE shopping so you know you are shopping with me.  Have fun and keep an eye on my page for upcoming Avon sales coupon codes.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative



Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bill Finally Shoots ... and Scores!

Old Shootists Monthly Match at Greenridge Shooting Range 


Copyright Four Aces Mercantile
Four Aces aims . . .

For more than a year now, we (meaning Bill or Bill & I) have been going to SASS events.  SASS stands for Single Action Shooting Society.  This is a group of people who get to dress up in outfits from the early 20th century and earlier, and then compete in target shooting using guns of that era.  Bill & I are both members of SASS.  In order to become members, you have to choose an alias name.  Bill's name is "Four Aces"; my alias is "Gato del Mal" which basically translates to Bad Kitty. 

Copyright Four Aces Mercantile 

Safety Meeting Prior to Shoot
Copyright Four Aces Mercantile
Boom, Ping

Copyright Four Aces Mercantile
Strapping on the Revolvers

Thank you Derringer DI and Pistoleer for helping Four Aces finally get to the point of shooting!  You made a wife very happy today.

The Alabama state SASS championship match Ambush at Cavern Cove will be held on October 2-4, 2015 at Grant, AL.  Ambush is sponsored and run by the North Alabama Regulators.

P.S. We were out in the sun for about 4 hours today.  Luckily it was only 84F today instead of the 100+F it has been.  I had on my Avon Bug Guard.  I got one bite on the hand from a nasty little ant who decided to attack my tea glass.  Other than that, the Bug Guard lotion protected me from bugs and NO SUNBURN on my arms.  I had Avon's Skinvincible lotion on my face -- no burn there either.  

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fantastic Avon Coupon Code !

Wow ! What an Avon code !

AND get 20% off orders more than $50
Code is : HIAGAIN

Place an order of $15+ and get FREE shipping from Avon.  And get 20% off for orders of $50 or more.

Cindy Peterson aka Gato
Anew Skin Care Expert
Avon Independent Sales Representative
